FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. My game enhancer is malfunctioning (saving cheat codes, menu screens, etc.)
A. Try repositioning it slightly and make sure the black switch on the side is in the "UP" position. If this doesn't help, return it to the place of purchase for a new one.

Q. The GameShark codes I got for a game are not working or only partially working.
A. This was InterAct's (the makers of the GameShark) way to prevent people from using cheaper third party game enhancers to reap all the rewards of a GameShark. Basically, they found a way to create codes that will only work perfectly in authentic InterAct GameSharks. If the codes you get off the net EXPRESSLY require a GameShark version 2.X or above, then it is a good bet that they will only work partially or not at all with your game enhancer.

Q. How do you hook up your game enhancer and/or PlayStation to a computer?

Q. How do you upgrade your game enhancer?
A. You need to buy a computer expansion card called a PC Comms Link Card. I have no idea how to use it or where to find it.

Q. I accidentally switched my game enhancer to PAL mode. What do I do?
A. The answer can be found here.

Q. How do I burn PlayStation discs on a Windows based machine.
A. The answer can be found here.

Q. How do I use a game enhancer to play copies or imports, including multi-disc and anti-modchip games?

Q. I am having problems playing an imported game. Either it refuses to run, or has sound and/or video problems. What can I do?
A. The answer can be found here.

Q. What advantages/disadvantages does the use of a game enhancer have over other conventional methods of using backups (i.e. by means of using a Mod Chip or the swap method)?
A. The answer can be found here.

Q. I load the backup just the way you tell me to but the game hangs at either the "START" screen or the title screen.

Q. The audio/video of the game skips or refuses to play.
A. The answer can be found here.

Q. I have a game enhancer and have no idea how to use its enhancer functions.
Click here for the "Gold Finger Game Enhancer User Guide".

Click here for the "Power Replay III Game Enhancer User Guide".
Click here for the "Game Hunter Game Enhancer User Guide".
Click here for the "Game-Enhancer 9 User Guide".

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