Clicks (AKA Anchors):
Well, first of all, the legality of owning a mod chip is questionable, since it generates and plugs in a code reserved for original PlayStation discs. Game enhancers use the existing code off of any original Sony PlayStation disc that the user owns (even a demo disc works fine), therefore being perfectly legal.
A reputable source for finding a mod chip can be difficult. Most of these operations operate from foreign countries like Taiwan and China, and since their product is not easily available to the public, they can charge whatever they want and offer no guarantees as to whether you will receive your order or if it will work in the first place. Game enhancers are readily available in video game specialty shops or online. They are also covered by warranties unlike mod chips (which are NOT covered by warranties and can burn out and thus render the chip useless.)
Mod chips have to be installed internally, not just by removing the plastic covering, but the motor, shielded metal plate, etc. to get to the circuit board, and then has to be soldered onto the circuit board (this not only voids the warranty but can be fatal to your PlayStation if done wrong). In addition, no certified PlayStation technician will ever even attempt to fix a modded PlayStation that has problems any time after you have installed the mod chip. If your PlayStation breaks, removing the mod chip itself and all visible signs that there was once a mod chip there in order to get it fixed by a certified PlayStation technician is almost impossible. Therefore, if you install a mod chip in your PlayStation and it breaks down either right away or later on in the future, don't expect any certified PlayStation technician to look at it. A game enhancer plugs into the back of your PlayStation and can be inserted or removed at will. No soldering, no hassle, no void of warranty, no embarrassing moments at the Sony repair center if your PlayStation breaks down.
Sony has now developed a new mod chip protection technique with their new games (un-officially named "Anti-Modchip" games). Such games will not work with mod chips as they feature an anti-modchip copy protection. However, they work fine with game enhancers since game enhancers allow people who own either non-stealth modchips (older modchips) or no modchip at all to play anti-modchip games and backups by means of either using codes found online with their game enhancer [a database of these codes are available by clicking here] or by using a special swap method described here.
Game enhancers are both portable and practical. Got a burned game and wanna play it at a friends house? No problem! Just bring along with the backup (copied game) your game enhancer and a toothpick or spring (beats carrying around a modded PlayStation console, doesn't it?)
With a game enhancer, a game cannot run "on-the-fly" but rather has to be swapped (SAFELY) with any original PlayStation disc at the beginning of play (this will be explained more in Methods)
Multi-disc (games with more than one disc) backups/imports require a procedure to change from disc to disc when using a game enhancer to play them. Although the methods work fine, they are somewhat complicated as opposed to just opening the tray and putting in the next disc in the set. While it's rather simple to play multi-disc backup/import games that feature a save option at the end of each disc (like Final Fantasy 7 and 8) or games that allow you to start with/play any disc of the set (like Gran Turismo 2), It is more complicated to play multi-disc backup/import games that DO NOT have any of these features, and involves acproper timing and technique to get it just right (this also will be explained more in Methods)
The use of a game enhancer to play imports/backups requires the user to have at least one original Sony PlayStation disc (any original Sony PlayStation disc works, even the demo disc works fine.)
The new PlayStation models: model 9001 (and above), as well as the new PS ONE compact PlayStations, do NOT have parallel I/O ports (the port needed to support game enhancers). Sony, finding no use for the port supporting Sony made products (game enhancers are NOT made or endorsed by Sony) they decided to obliterate it entirely. What this means is that game enhancers no longer work with these new PlayStations! The only known way to play imports/copies on 9001 machines (or above), or the new PS ONE compact PlayStations to date is VIA a mod chip. [Click here if you would like to find out how to determine which PlayStation model you own and/or whether or not it is compatible with a game enhancer].